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Быстрая консультация: Екатерина: +375 29 655-29-69, Ирина: +375 29 197-97-87, Елена: +375 29 839-29-69, Кирилл: +375 29 609-29-69

Second Hand Wholesale in Gomel

+375 29 609-29-69

Пн - Чт с 9:00 до 17:00
Пт с 9:00 - 16:00
Cб, Вс: выходной

АКЦИЯ 03.02.2025

новое поступление

You are trying to develop your Second Hand Store, but the number of customers is not increasing? Second Cream Company is the best choice to solve this problem! We propose the best conditions of sales for the high quality second hand clothes and footwear from the best worldwide famous brands. Here is the short overview of our propositions, which includes the assortment of Second Cream Company's catalogue and the list of our advantages

Principles of our work

Second Cream is the largest Belorussian provider of second hand from Western Europe and the USA. Our goal is to select the best quality of foreign assembly of second hand clothes and footwear, and to deliver these goods to our stocks in Gomel or other cities. Here we work personally with every customer. Such approach helps to find the most suitable ways of cooperation. Moreover; our company can assist you in development of your store with the professional consulting. Skilled managers can support your business with the following:

  • Finding the best location for new stores;
  • Organizing the opening of new second-hand outlets;
  • Selection of your potential customers;
  • Selecting the most attractive second hand categories;
  • Providing with all the certificates and necessary documentation.

Assortment of our second hand catalogue

The main feature which separates Second Cream Company from other propositions in Gomel and other regions of Belarus is our assortment. Our company provides the best categories of second hand clothes and footwear from England, Italy, the USA, Canada, Scotland, Denmark and Belgium. Using our price you can choose the most suitable variants by gender, age and season. Special attention is paid to children second hand clothes and footwear.

The other classification is based on quality of goods. There are different categories which are proposed by foreign marshaling yards, but our goal is to provide customers in Gomel with the best quality of second hand. That's why; Second Cream proposes the following variants:

  • Stock. Here are the quality, novelty and labels. All clothes are not worn and branded with labels. Stock second hand contains things, which were not sold by boutiques or stores.
  • Cream. This category contains of 30-40% of new things and 60-70% of clothes/footwear without visible signs of wear.
  • Lux and Extra. Choosing any of these categories you will get second hand things with visible, but minor traces of wear. Such clothes are collected in Western Europe from rich families. Therefore, decent expensive things can be found among this category.

We receive goods in a tight, safe and sealed package. We do not print it, leaving this opportunity to our customers. This serves as a guarantee for original content of every bagful.

Second Hand delivery in Gomel

Second Cream provides the best delivery conditions for every customer in Gomel and other cities. When ordering from 100 kg, delivery is free of charge throughout Belarus! And if the case concerns 500 kg, we will deliver free of charge even to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Our Logistics provides strict terms of delivery and the whole package of documents (contract, TTN, hygiene and washing certificate).

Start and develop your business in Gomel with Second Cream! Use our Support Hot Line +375 29 839-29-69, and you will get full information about the terms of cooperation!